Sunday, January 26, 2020

Cryonics On The Way Raising The Dead Philosophy Essay

Cryonics On The Way Raising The Dead Philosophy Essay Today technology plays a vital role in every aspect of life. Increasing standards in technology in many fields has been taken man today to high esteem. But the present available technologies are unable to interact with atoms, such a minute particles. Hence nanotechnology is used in this context. Nanotechnology is nothing but a technology which uses atoms with a view to creating desired product. It has wider application in all fields, the important application is CRYONICS. Cryonics is nothing but an attempt of raising the dead making them alive. In this technical paper we would like to present how the process of cryonics goes on and why nanotechnology is being used and description of molecular machines which has the capability of repairing damaged cells and its effect on Culture, Health, and Longevity. And we also present the philosophical and ethical considerations of cryonics and benefits of supporting cryonics society. Cryonics is an area in which most of the work is to be done in the future. INTRODUCING CRYONICS: Cryonics is nothing but an attempt of raising the dead- making them alive. Actually the word cryonics is the practice of freezing a dead body in hopes of someday reviving it. A cryonics is the practice of cooling the people immediately after death to the point where the molecular physical decay completely stops, in the expectation that scientific and medical procedures currently being developed will be able to revive them and restore them to good health later. A patient held in such a state is said to be in cryonic suspension. There is reason to believe that current cryonics procedures can preserve the anatomical basis of mind. Cryonics works became more effective with the implementation of nanotechnology in it. PREMISES OF CRYONICS: The central premise of cryonics is that memory, personality, and identity is stored in cellular structures and chemistry, principally in the brain. While this view is widely accepted in medicine, and brain activity is known to stop and later resume under certain conditions, it is not generally accepted that current methods preserve the brain well enough to permit revival in the future. Cryonics advocates point to studies showing that high concentrations of cryoprotectant circulated through the brain before cooling can prevent structural damage from ice, preserving the fine cell structures of the brain in which memory and identity presumably reside. HISTORY: The first mention of nano technology occurred in a talk given by Richard Feynman in 1959, entitled. Historically cryonics began in 1962 with the publication of THE PROSPECT OF IMMORTALITY Referred by Robert Ettinger, a founder and the first president of CRYONICS INSTITUTE. However, the modern era of cryonics began in 1962 when Michigan College physics teacher Robert Ettinger proposed in a privately published book, The Prospect of Immortality that freezing people may be a way to reach future medical technology. Even though freezing a person is apparently fatal, Ettinger argued that what appears to be fatal today may be reversible in the future. NEUROPRESERVATION: Neuropreservation is cryopreservation of the brain, often within the head, with surgical removal and disposal (usually cremation) of the rest of the body. Neuropreservation, sometimes called neuro, is one of two distinct preservation options in cryonics, the other being whole body preservation. In some Neuropreservation cases, only the brain is cryopreserved. Neuropreservation is motivated by the brains role as the primary repository of memory and personal identity. The advantages and disadvantages of Neuropreservation are often debated among cryonics advocates. Critics of Neuropreservation note that the body is a record of much life experience, including learned motor skills (muscle memory). While few cryonicists doubt that a revived neuro patient would be the same person, there are wider questions about how a regenerated body might feel different from the original. Partly for these reasons (as well as for better public relations), the Cryonics Institute preserves only whole bodies. About three-quarters of the patients stored at Alcor are Neuropreservation patients. CRYONICS AND NANO TECHNOLOGY: 1. Why only nanotechnology is used in cryonics: Biological systems and molecules have a number of attributes that make them highly suitable for nanotechnology applications. Remote control of DNA has proved that electronics can interact with biology. Gap between electronics and biology is now closing. The key to Cryonics eventual success success is nanotechnology, manipulating materials on an atomic or molecular scale, according to most techniques who are interested in cryonics suspension. Current medical science does not have the tools to fix damage that occurs at the cellular and molecular level, and damage to these systems is the cause of vast majority of fatal illness. Nanotechnology is the ultimate miniaturization can achieve. A nanometer is equivalent to the width of six bonded carbon atoms. A DNA molecule is 2.5nm wide. Cryonics basically deal with cells, these cells is in order of nanometers. At present there is no any technology which deals with such minute cells. Only nanotechnology can have the ability to deal with such cells. Normally fatal accidents could be walked away from, thanks to range of safety devices possible with nanotechnology. Viruses, prions, parasites and bacteria continue to mutate and produce new diseases. Our natural immune system may, or may not, handles. In theory, a nano cell sentinel could make our body immune to any present or future infectious disease. Fracturing is special concern for new vitrification protocol brought online by Alcor for neuro patients. If advanced nanotechnology is available for patient recovery, then fracturing probably causes little information loss. Fracturing commits cryopatient to the need for molecular repair at cryogenic temperature a highly specialized and advanced form of nanotechnology. Whereas unfractured patients may be able to benefit sooner form simple forms of nanotechnology developed for more main stream medical applications. Damage caused by freezing fracturing is thought to be potentially repairable in future using nanotechnology which will be enable manipulation of matter at the molecular level. REVIVING PATIENTS BY MEANS: 1. MOLECULAR MACHINES: They could revive patients by repairing damaged cells but for making those cell repair machines, we first need to build a molecular assembler. The fundamental purpose of assembler is to position atoms. Robotic arms are other position devices are basically mechanical in nature, and will allow us to position molecular parts during the assembly process. Molecular mechanics provides us with an excellent tool for modeling the behavior of such devices. The second requirement is the ability to make and break bonds at specific sites. While molecular machines provides an excellent tool for telling us where the tip of the assembler arm is located, current force fields are not adequate to model the specific chemical reactions that must then take place at the tip/work piece interface involved in building an atomically precise part. For this higher order sufficient calculations are needed. The methods of computation chemistry available today allow us to model a wide range o f molecular machines with accuracy sufficiently in many cases to determine how well they will work. 2. COMPUTATIONAL NANOTECHNOLOGY: It includes not only the tools and techniques required to model the proposed molecular machines it must also includes the tools required to specify such machines. Molecular machine proposal that would require million or even billions of atoms that have been made. The total atom count of an assembler might be roughly a billion atoms. While commercially available molecular modeling packages provide facilities to specify arbitrary structures it is usually necessary to point and click for each atom involved. This is obviously unattractive for a device as complex as an assembler with its roughly one billion atoms. The software required to design and model complex molecular machine is either already available or can be readily developed over the next few years. The molecular compiler and the other molecular CAD tools needed for this work can be implemented using generally understood techniques and methods from computer science. Using this approach it will be possible to substantially reduce the development time for complex molecular machines. ACTUAL PROCESS OF CRYONICS: The procedure explaining is the practical one how an Alcor patients body is frozen and stored until medical technology can repair the body and revive the patient, or grow a new body for the patient. Patient declared legally dead On way to Alcor in Arizona, blood circulation is maintained and patient is injected with medicine to minimize problems with frozen tissue. Cooling of body begun. (If body needs to be flown, blood is replaced with organ preservatives). At Alcor body is cooled to 5 degrees. Chest opened, blood is replaced with a solution (glycerol, water, and other chemicals) that enters the tissues, pushing out water to reduce ice formation. In 2 to 4 hours, 60% or more of body water is replaced by glycerol. Freezing the body The patient is placed in cold silicone oil, chilling the body to -79oC. Then its moved to an aluminum pod and slowly cooled over 5 days in liquid nitrogen to -196oC (minus 320oFahrenheit), then stored. Actual process starts: After preserving the body for someday, they will start the surgery. As a part of it, they will apply some chemicals like glycerol and some advanced chemicals to activate the cells of the body. By doing so, 0.2% of the cells in the body will be activated. After that they will preserve the body for future applications. .Storage vessels Stainless steel vats formed into a large thermos bottles like container. Wait for up to four bodies weighs about a ton; stands 9 feet tall. CRYONICS AND SOCIAL AFFAIRS: CRYONICS IN SCIENCE FICTION AND IN MOVIES: There are so many science fiction films that feature cryonics that it is hard to know where to begin. Woody Allens Sleeper has always held a particular place of affection in the hearts of cryonics advocates. But most films take it more seriously. CRYONICS AND HEALTH: One of the worlds leading cryonics organizations has observed that the percentage of doctors among its membership is ten times that of the general public. Many in cryonics match their thirst for life in the future with a passion for enhancing life today. Their goal is not to live recklessly and badly now in hopes that future repair can restore what has been abused today. CRYONICS AND LONGEVITY: The fact remains, no matter how much exercise you do or however many vitamins you may take to prolong your life, there comes a point where the human body will break down and eventually Die. A time may be coming when that moment may be pushed back radically, and when good health and freedom from the pain of age and illness are everyones choice. But right now, the choice for a truly extended life comes down to a choice for cryonics. It is certain that new means will be developed in the future to push back aging and sickness. Its also certain that it cant benefit you if youre not there to receive it. Cryonics is an attempt to make sure that you do receive it. That you can reach that future point where the promise of human longevity is fulfilled to its maximum. If longevity matters to you, cryonics matters to you. BENEFITS OF SUPPORTING THE CRYONICS SOCIETY 1. Assistance. 2. Information 3. Action. 4. Meaning. 5. Social Support and Public Outreach 6. A Chance for Life OBSTACLES AGAINST CRYONICS: PRESERVATION INJURY ISCHEMIC INJURY REVAIVAL FINANCIAL ISSUES COURT RULES AGAINST PRESERVING: ETHICAL AND PHYLOSOPHICAL ISSUES: Cryonics is based on a view of dying as a process that can be stopped in the minutes, and perhaps hours, following clinical death. If death is not an event that happens suddenly when the heart stops, this raises philosophical questions about what exactly death is. Ethical and theological opinions of cryonics tend to pivot on the issue of whether cryonics is regarded as interment or medicine. FUTURE HOPES OF CRYONICS: With the knowledge of the cryonics, cryonists are preserving the brains of humans. We know that each person alive today was once a single cell and a complete human being can be grown in the natural surface of that brain begins a process of growth and development that perhaps appends to the brain a complete young adult body. State. Thus they believe that genetic programming of a single cell on the surface of that brain begins a process of growth and development that perhaps CONCLUSION. With the implementation of cryonics one can get back the life. Cryonics is an area in which most of the works is to be done in future until now the concept of this area has been proposed. So, the scientists are making long promises and greater hopes of the Cryonics World Your Last Best Chance For Lifeand Your Familys.

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Barbie-Q Essay

In Sandra Cisneros’s â€Å"Barbie-Q†, a sudden abundance of flawed Barbie dolls makes the child narrator accepts her own identity and discards society’s ideals of women. The initial storyworld is that of materialism and perfection. What the narrator values in her dolls and what she plays with them could be seen as a reflection of her own self image, of what she thinks she should look like and what kind of life she should live. From the first few lines of the story it becomes clear that the narrator of the story is a little girl. She describes the outfits of her barbies, as if reading from the package, to her friend. â€Å"Yours is the one with mean eyes and a ponytail. Striped swimsuit, stilettos, sunglasses, and gold hoop earrings. † The doll’s mean eyes reveals the author’s critical attitude towards the ideal it represents. This attitude also shows in the title of the story. The Narrator uses second person, as if directly adressing the reader. Who she is talking to is never defined in the story, but it is clear that she is talking to a fellow child. The narration mainly uses only first and second person, which realistically recreates the world of a little girl, where the narrator and her friend are the only people and Barbie dolls the only things that matter. In the second paragraph, the girls repeat society’s gender roles in their play: â€Å"Every time the same story. Your Barbie is roommates with my Barbie, my Barbie’s boyfriend comes over and your Barbie steals him, okay? † The invisible Ken doll could be seen as the author’s way of emphasising her point about society’s assuptions of young women’s interests. The author makes the scene strange enough to catch the reader’s attention. The flea market scene describes the mundane reality of the narrator’s neighbourhood which is contrasted with the girl’s aspirations that are projected to barbie dolls that represent a different social background and lifestyle. The narrator lists the items in the flea markets just like she did with her dolls: â€Å"Lying on the street next to some tool bits, and platform shoes with the heels all squashed, and a fluorescent green wicker wastebasket, and aluminum foil, and hubcaps, and a pink shag rug, and windshield wiper blades, and dusty mason jars, and coffee can full of rusty nails. This emphasises the contrast. The initial story world is disrupted in the flea market scene as the narrator finds flawed Barbies for sale. This scene develops in the next paragraph as the narrator gets all the Barbies she dreamed of, only all of them damaged by a fire. In the last paragraph, the narrator seems to accept her own social background as she understands that it doesn’t matter that they can’t afford all the new Barbie dolls. So what if we didn’t get our new Bendable Legs Barbie and Midge and Ken and Skipper and Tutti and Todd and Scooter and Rickie and Alan and Francie in nice clean boxes and had to buy them on Maxwell Street, all water-soaked and sooty. † The narrator describes her flawed Barbie: â€Å"And if the prettiest doll, Barbie’s MOD’ern cousin Francie with real eyelashes, eyelash brush included, has a left foot that’s melted a little-so? † This statement could be seen as having a wider meaning, that the child also accepts her own flaws and ends her quest for perfection defined by society.

Friday, January 10, 2020

Advancing Technology

Maintaining the Role of Technology Technology has been and will forever be advancing. It plays an important role in everyone's life, and can be found anywhere. Whether it's a six year old child playing with an IPhone, or an 80 year old lady reading a book on her kindle. There is Just no hiding from it. But with the advancement of technology, is society advancing with it, or Just becoming robots? To succeed in not being taken over by technology people must be true to themselves, set limits, and detach from it. Now a days, almost everyone has some sort of social media network.It could be a Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, etc. That is what makes the internet such a dangerous place. While on the computer anyone could put anything as themself. They could make fake profiles or give false information about themselves, and the only person who would know is them. Someone could be talking to who they believe is a cute 20 year old girl, who they want to meet up with and date, but in reality it co uld be a 30 year old trucker playing a Joke. It is easy for people to hide behind a computer screen and that is why they do it so often. A prime example of this can be found from the T. V show â€Å"Catfish. What happens in the show is, two people end up talking to each other nline; they start talking for a while, and then they fall in love without ever seeing each other. Then the hosts of the show go to one of the people and help them meet the â€Å"love of their life. † But out of the 24 aired episodes, only two people have actually been who they really said they were. But there are many more people who aren't being who they really say they are. So while using technology people should be who they really are, and Just because they can hide behind a computer screen, they should still be true to themselves. Hiding from technology is not an easy task.Some people actually need technology or important things, so they can't Just throw it away. So instead of shutting out technolog y completely, people should Just set limits for themselves. The limit is up to them; either hardly using technology and Just going outside and enjoying the great outdoors, or cutting back to a certain amount of hours they use it. When setting these limits, take into account the time that you really need it. For instance, for work, checking important e-mails, or even school. People should cut back and use it when they actually need to, instead of using it all of the time when they have nothing better to do.Using technology for entertainment is alright, Just try to cut back and set limits so that it isn't over used. Just because someone doesn't check their Facebook every minute, or stare at their phone while their Twitter news feed goes crazy doesn't leave you out of the loop. And that is the key to not being taken over. A big problem that people get is that they feel that they must constantly check their things so they don't miss something important. The problem is that they are miss ing out on what is happening right now and not focusing on the current. They could be driving and get an urge that they'll miss a party invite, so they must check.Or if they are at a family get together and they are bored, they will Just go on Facebook and think that, that is a better way to spend their time, but they actually shouldn't be using their phone, and instead making the best of should detach from technology and the virtual world. No matter the age, no matter the gender, everyone uses technology. It helps people get through their everyday lives. It could be used for business or Just entertainment, but no matter what the reason is people should always look out to not be used by technology. To do so they should remember to be true to themselves, set limits, and to detach from technology.

Thursday, January 2, 2020

The Fascinating Life and Times of Alexander Hamilton

Alexander Hamilton was born in the British West Indies in 1755 or 1757. There is some dispute of his birth year due to early records and Hamiltons own claims. He was born out of wedlock to James A. Hamilton and Rachel Faucett Lavien. His mother died in 1768 leaving him largely an orphan. He worked for Beekman and Cruger as a clerk and was adopted by a local merchant, Thomas Stevens, a man some believe to be his biological father. His intellect prompted leaders on the island to want him to be educated in the American colonies. A fund was collected to send him there to further his education. Education Hamilton was extremely smart. He went to a grammar school in Elizabethtown, New Jersey from 1772-1773. He then enrolled at Kings College, New York (now Columbia University) either late in 1773 or early in 1774. He later practiced law along with being a huge part in the founding of the United States. Personal Life Hamilton married Elizabeth Schuyler on December 14, 1780. Elizabeth was one of the three Schuyler sisters that were influential during the American Revolution. Hamilton and his wife  remained very close despite his having an affair with Maria Reynolds, a married woman. Together they built and lived in the Grange in New York City. Hamilton and Elizabeth had eight children: Philip (killed in a duel in 1801) Angelica, Alexander, James Alexander, John Church, William Stephen, Eliza, and Philip (born soon after the first Philip was killed.) Revolutionary War Activities In 1775, Hamilton joined the local militia to help fight in the Revolutionary War like many students from Kings College. His study of military tactics led him to the rank of lieutenant. His continued efforts and friendship to prominent patriots like John Jay led him to raise a company of men and become their captain. He was soon appointed to George Washingtons staff. He served as Washingtons untitled Chief of Staff for four years. He was a trusted officer and enjoyed a great deal of respect and confidence from Washington. Hamilton made many connections and was instrumental in the war effort. Hamilton and the Federalist Papers Hamilton was a New York delegate to the Constitutional Convention in 1787. After the Constitutional Convention, he worked  with John Jay and James Madison to try and persuade New York to join in ratifying the new constitution. They jointly wrote the Federalist Papers. These consisted of 85 essays of which Hamilton wrote 51. These had a huge impact not only on ratification but also on Constitutional law. First Secretary of the Treasury Alexander Hamilton was selected by George Washington to be the first Secretary of the Treasury on September 11, 1789. In this role, he had a huge impact in the formation of the U.S. Government including the following items: Assuming all the states debts from the war thereby increasing federal power.Creating the U.S. MintCreating the first national bankProposing an excise tax on whiskey to raise revenue for the federal governmentFighting for a stronger federal government Hamilton resigned from the Treasury in January, 1795. Life After the Treasury Although Hamilton left the Treasury in 1795, he was not removed from political life. He remained a close friend of Washington and influenced his farewell address. In the election of 1796, he schemed to have Thomas Pinckney elected president over John Adams. However, his intrigue backfired and Adams won the presidency. In 1798 with the endorsement of Washington, Hamilton became a major general in the Army, to help lead in case of hostilities with France. Hamiltons machinations in the Election of 1800 unwittingly led to Thomas Jeffersons election as president and Hamiltons hated rival, Aaron Burr, as vice president. Death After Burrs term as Vice President, he desired the office of governor of New York which Hamilton again worked to oppose. This constant rivalry eventually led to Aaron Burr challenging Hamilton to a duel in 1804. Hamilton accepted and the Burr-Hamilton duel occurred on July 11, 1804, at the Heights of Weehawken in New Jersey. It is believed that Hamilton fired first and probably honored his pre-duel pledge to throw away his shot. However, Burr fired at and shot Hamilton in the abdomen. He died from his wounds a day later. Burr would never again occupy a political office in large part due to the fallout from the duel.